Willow is an eleven year old Thoroughbred mare which was seized by local law enforcement on 5-31-2011. She was basically abandoned by her previous owners left her to fend for herself. She was skinny, her feet were in terrible shape and she was desperate for human contact. In the first 30 days here she gained 85 lbs.

Luna Anelique is a blind registered Purebred Arabian mare born 5-2-1994. She was living tied to a tree, broke loose during a storm, injured 3 legs, not given medical care, surrended by owner & saved by a good samaritian that paid for her 6 wk hospitalization & several other good samaritians (her FB Friends) donated the money for her transport from IN to OK. She's an exceptionally affectionate horse that's endured more than most of us can imagine but is still very trusting and loving

Sir Lancelot is a 12 yr old Morgan gelding from West Virginia. His owners were military and being deployed. They'd been trying to find a safe place for him to go and had not been able to place him. He was scheduled to be euthanized on 8-31-2011. Our FaceBook Friends contacted us about giving him a home. Our FB Friends donated funds to pay for his transport from WV to OK. He arrived 8-22-2011. He and Luna bonded and are inseparable now.