This year we decided to write a newsletter to summarize the year's events for the Triple O supporters. We have a responsibility to the people that donate their hard earned money to our organization. We update frequently and try to keep everyone informed of everything - the good and the bad. Writing this newsletter we realized that so much has happened that it would take a book to cover it all. We tried to hit the highlights and the darkest moments. We tried to mention some of the many Kind Souls who gave without regret to help equine in need that they'll likely never meet. Words are so little to offer back to those who have given so much but we wanted to thank everyone for making 2013 a success. We've emailed this newsletter to people who have donated on-line and mailed it to the Triple O supporters that donated off-line. Now we'd like to share it with the visitors to our website. We hope to make it a end-of-the-year tradition to take a look back at the year and contemplate the new year ahead. The journey continues.
The Year of the Horse ~ 2014. Watch out, here we come at a full gallop!!!!
The Year of the Horse ~ 2014. Watch out, here we come at a full gallop!!!!